People use this contract everyday and it's also the contract with most ethereums right now.
Also you can create a multisig account on the official Ethereum Wallet using this contract source code.
But then when I go inside the site we have all these warnings stating that low security
Warning: The compiled contract might be susceptible to ZeroFunctionSelector (very low-severity), DelegateCallReturnValue (low-severity), ECRecoverMalformedInput (medium-severity), SkipEmptyStringLiteral (low-severity), IdentityPrecompileReturnIgnored (low-severity), HighOrderByteCleanStorage (high-severity), SendFailsForZeroEther (low-severity), DynamicAllocationInfiniteLoop (low-severity), CleanBytesHigherOrderBits (medium/high-severity) Solidity compiler bugs.
How should I as a investor (and a programmer that has not fully learned Solidity) use this? Of course I have heard the Parity exploit which gave hackers freedom to just take 30 Milion USD.
My question is: Should I be worried? And what should I be careful with and pay attention to?
I understand you but I can the basic solidity and I can't see any "internal" functions or "guards" which was put in action by parity after their exploit.
But here I have a more in depth analysis by the solidity remix simulator stating re-entrancy vulnerabilities:
You said higher compiler version is better well all of the contracts using that code (which I said is the one used in the Ethereum wallet) use version 0.3.2! 0.3.2! Which is from 2016!