I am planning to make a blog using solidity. I've made a contract. Here it is.
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract Post{
address author;
uint _id;
struct UserDetails{
string title;
string description;
address owner;
mapping (uint => UserDetails) postDetails;
function Post() public{
author = msg.sender;
function addPost(string title, string description) public returns (uint){
_id += 1;
postDetails[_id] = UserDetails(title, description, author);
return _id;
function getPost(uint id) constant returns (string title, string description, address owner){
return (postDetails[id].title, postDetails[id].description, postDetails[id].owner);
function getPostCount() constant returns (uint){
return _id;
now I want to call addPost function from another pc of my network which has different etherbase accounts and both pcs are running in same private-net. Is it possible? Or how can this be done on another approach.