I have issue in the following smartcontract.

I have defined a struct which includes an string array. And I have defined a mapping for this struct.

struct Stonedetails {

        uint stoneweight;
        string stoneimagehash;
        string stoneidbywholesaledealer;
        string[] stoneidsbycutter;


mapping (uint=>Stonedetails) public stonedetailsTable;

I have stored the values in struct using the following methods inside a function by passing parameters.

 stonedetailsTable[stoneid].stoneweight =stoneweight;
 stonedetailsTable[stoneid].stoneimagehash =stoneimagehash;
 stonedetailsTable[stoneid].stoneidbywholesaledealer =stoneidbywholesaledealer;

How can I store the values in string array? Is it the way to store the values one by one?


How can I find the length of array using stoneidsbycutter.length?

  • I'm not sure what your question is. Is the code you shared not working? Is stonedetailsTable[stoneid].stoneidsbycutter.length not working?
    – user19510
    Commented Sep 28, 2017 at 7:18
  • @smarx I tried to find length ,but it returns value as '0'...Is the way of insertion I used is correct?? Commented Sep 28, 2017 at 7:32
  • It looks okay to me. Can you share some full code that exhibits the problem? (E.g. a push followed by checking the length.)
    – user19510
    Commented Sep 28, 2017 at 8:04

1 Answer 1


Your code looks correct. I tested the following and got a length of 1 as expected:

pragma solidity ^0.4.17;

contract Test {
    struct Stonedetails {
        uint stoneweight;
        string stoneimagehash;
        string stoneidbywholesaledealer;
        string[] stoneidsbycutter;

    mapping (uint=>Stonedetails) public stonedetailsTable;

    function Test() public {

    function getLength() public constant returns (uint256) {
        return stonedetailsTable[0].stoneidsbycutter.length; // returns 1

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