I am working Remix Browser for the following simple Contract. I had a couple of questions. I could not find the right answers.
- During Contract Creation: It gives the following error. What is this error. How can I get rid of it?
undefined errored: cannot read property 'op' of undefined
- I have an event defined. Where can I see the output of the event on Remix browser?
pragma solidity ^0.4.15;
contract MyContract {
bytes32 public custName;
bytes32 public custLoc;
address public docAddress = this;
function MyContract () {
custName = "0xDEFAULT";
custLoc = "0xDEFAULT";
event LogNewCust (address _address, bytes32 _custName, bytes32 _custLoc);
function AssignAttributes (bytes32 _custName, bytes32 _custLoc)
returns (bool isSuccess) {
custName = _custName;
custLoc = _custLoc;
return true;