I want a function to accept, store and output 56 characters. My other question (How to return bytes array in Solidity Contract) shows that I tried to return bytes[], but it gives me an error:
Internal type is not allowed for public or external functions
I haven't been able to get past this error.
So now, I would like to see if I can split the 56 character input into two bytes32, so that I can return bytes32. How do I do this?
I modified the code from this question (How can I split a Bytes32 source into two halfs and store them in Bytes16?) and created this:
event trace(bytes x, bytes32 a, bytes32 b);
function foo(bytes source) {
bytes32[2] memory y = [bytes32(0), 0];
assembly {
mstore(y, source)
mstore(add(y, 32), source)
trace(source, y[0], y[1]);
function cut(bytes sha) constant returns (bytes32 half1, bytes32 half2) {
assembly {
let freemem_pointer := mload(0x40)
mstore(add(freemem_pointer,0x00), sha)
half1 := mload(add(freemem_pointer,0x00))
half2 := mload(add(freemem_pointer,0x10))
But I wasn't able to get them to work.
EDIT on 2017-08-22 for benjaminion:
Ideally, I want to return bytes[]. See my code and the error with bytes[] at How to return bytes array in Solidity Contract . Benjaminion's first block of code worked with a little bit of modification. I changed my "iterator" function to the following:
function iterator() constant returns (address[],uint256[],uint256[],bytes32[],bytes32[]){
uint256 len = ledger.keys.length;
address[] memory keys = new address[](len);
uint256[] memory values = new uint256[](len);
uint256[] memory values2 = new uint256[](len);
bytes32[] memory newKeys1 = new bytes32[](len);
bytes32[] memory newKeys2 = new bytes32[](len);
for (uint256 i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) {
address key = ledger.keys[i];
keys[i] = key;
values[i] = ledger.maps[key];
values2[i] = token.balanceOf(key);
bytes memory sha = ledger.newKeys[i];
bytes32 half1;
bytes32 half2;
assembly {
half1 := mload(add(sha,0x20))
half2 := mload(add(sha,0x40))
newKeys1[i] = half1;
newKeys2[i] = half2;
return (keys,values,values2,newKeys1,newKeys2);