I just started Ethereum. I found how to generate an address by using JavaScript like below. I need an address for testnet. I'm using Ropsten testnet. In bitcoin, I can generate from pubkey to both mainnet address and testnet address. Does Ethereum have the same rule?

var bip39 = require('bip39');
var hdkey = require('ethereumjs-wallet/hdkey')

var mnemonic = 'xxx xxx xxx...';
var password = '';
var masterseed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic, password);
var hdnode = hdkey.fromMasterSeed(masterseed);

var getKeyPair = function(hdnode){
    return {
        "address" : hdnode.getWallet().getAddressString(),
        "private" : hdnode.getWallet().getPrivateKeyString(),
        "public" : hdnode.getWallet().getPublicKeyString(),

// cointype=60=eth
// m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index
console.log(getKeyPair(hdnode.derivePath("m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"))) // { address: '0xbc0c53d89b2fe10d1d140665bd94b3d926f4a790', private: 'xxx', public: 'xxx' }

Update 1

Seems the address format of mainnet and testnet are same.

There is no way to verify if an address belongs to a particular network - they are all valid for every Ethereum network.

Are addresses between different networks (testnet) interchangeable?

1 Answer 1


Unlike bitcoin, ethereum eoa address does not distinguish between mainnet and testnet.

There is no way to verify if an address belongs to a particular network - they are all valid for every Ethereum network.

Are addresses between different networks (testnet) interchangeable?

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