I'm trying to follow the tutorial on using Truffle framework for Ethereum development at https://medium.com/@mvmurthy/full-stack-hello-world-voting-ethereum-dapp-tutorial-part-2-30b3d335aa1f.
Unfortunately I'm not able to successfully deploy the compiled contract to Ropsten testnet with
truffle migrate
in the Truffle console. The following error keeps showing up:
Error: intrinsic gas too low
I know it has something to do with a too low amount of gas being used in the transaction which deploys the contract to the testnet.
I've already tried different settings of gas in truffle.js for development which were all below the result of:
But I assume this has nothing to do with my problem.
I also found https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42589091/ethereum-truffle-metacoin-fails-with-intrinsic-gas-too-low but there the solution was to change the gas limit in genesis.json. As I want to deploy to testnet that's not an option in my case.
I'm pretty sure I'm missing a configuration setting in Truffle.