I know this question has been asked and answered, but while trying to get everything to work, I've come across some problems. This is what I'm trying to do:
1. take a target string 'Schoolbus'
2. use JSON with geth to eth_sign it
3. obtain v,r,s of signature
4. attempt to verify with a solidity contract, need the hash of 'Schoolbus'
So here's what I got. First of all, we can't all use the same private key, so if someone can verify my work and get a gist of my problem, that would be great.
Pretending that my priv key is '0xd1ade25ccd3d550a7eb532ac759cac7be09c2719', to sign 'Schoolbus', I use
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_sign","params":["0xd1ade25ccd3d550a7eb532ac759cac7be09c2719", "Schoolbus"],"id":1}'
Where I get the result
I'm using (I might be wrong here)
Then I whipped up my contract, which is a variation of an answer in a related thread:
contract Auth {
function verify( bytes32 hash, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) constant returns(address retAddr) {
retAddr= ecrecover(hash, v, r, s);
Because I never got the hash of 'Schoolbus', I tried a couple of things in web3.js (the UTF8 one confused me, I was expecting that {encoding:'hex'} version to be the correct one):
console.log('1 '+ web3.sha3(web3.toHex('Schoolbus'))); //05ab39621b81764697fcfb6ae4fcf6b023cd644721c67c13a49fbd769c75671c
console.log('2 '+ web3.sha3(web3.toHex('Schoolbus'),{encoding:'hex'}));//d030d9a04df643f62a1502b017f51c41a659268091abbd20e2de97b935724d7c
console.log('3 '+ web3.sha3('Schoolbus'));//d030d9a04df643f62a1502b017f51c41a659268091abbd20e2de97b935724d7c
console.log('4 '+ web3.sha3( unescape(encodeURIComponent('Schoolbus')) ) ); //to UTF8 //d030d9a04df643f62a1502b017f51c41a659268091abbd20e2de97b935724d7c
console.log('5 '+ web3.sha3( unescape(encodeURIComponent('Schoolbus')), {encoding:'hex'} ) ); //to UTF8 //8f1cbe7efcf383ffeb1aeaf1e826c778a087153344cbeba144fbe967ad3ab11a
I ended up using this, but don't know why:
Then I called the contract:
var contDep=web3.eth.contract( [abi def] ).at( contractAddress);
contDep.verify('d030d9a04df643f62a1502b017f51c41a659268091abbd20e2de97b935724d7c', 2a,'c19db245478a06032e69cdbd2b54e648b78431d0a47bd1fbab18f79f820ba407', '466e37adbe9e84541cab97ab7d290f4a64a5825c876d22109f3bf813254e8601')
Here's my problem. I keep getting this weird address back. It starts with 0x, it's 20 bytes, but it doesn't have [a-f] in it:
If I swapped r and s, I get almost the same result back.
I was wondering if someone can verify my experience, or point out what I was doing wrong. I feel like a crazy person here.
Thanks for all your help.