I want to receive ETH (ERC-20) which was initially converted from BTC to ETH and sent to my wallet with 0 value. Do I need to hold ETH in my wallet in order to activate ETH tokens to receive real ETH value? Thank you in advance for answers!

  • Ether isn't a token ERC-20. There is the popular WETH that is a token wrapping Ether in a contract, and ethers could be extracted by calling the withdraw function from the contract. An ERC-20 named ETH it is dubious, it could be a scam. Can you provide more details about the token?
    – Ismael
    Commented Sep 6 at 15:48
  • Hi Ismael, as I'm going through recovery process from my blockchains I will appreciate if you can contact me directly on facebook (facebook.com/jacek.per) to advise if I'm not going through scam. I will appreciate your help as now I'm going through mirror transactions ibm.com/docs/en/cics-ts/… and I don't know whether I can trust what I hear. talk to you soon!
    – higger
    Commented Sep 16 at 7:10
  • Ismael. let me add a sentence from communication related to recovery and comment that I do have cold wallet in Atomic and hot wallet in Kraken, and I'm asked to hold money in Kraken (as there were not transactions and needs verification) in order to allow mirror transaction flow - does it makes sense in withdraw (recovery) process?
    – higger
    Commented Sep 16 at 13:29
  • Sentence: "As soon as the exact amount you need to have on your Kraken account, the system will start the mirror transaction through the Blockchain - to your Cold Wallet, and from there you will have to move it yourself into your Kraken account. When it arrives to the Kraken you'll need to sell the Bitcoins for Euros and the Euros you will be able to make a bank transfer to your bank" - does it make sense?
    – higger
    Commented Sep 16 at 13:36
  • Sorry, but I'll only reply here. There's nothing like mirror transactions on the ethereum blockchain. I highly suspect that you have been scammed.
    – Ismael
    Commented Sep 16 at 19:24

1 Answer 1


No, you don't need any ETH, but you'll need ETH if you want to transfer them from your wallet.

  • Thank you Adam for your valuable comment! Can it be that funds are on hold (blocked with Fake_Phishing alerts as they have 0 value) in the ETH network and they require to have legitimacy to have a value on the ERC-20 and therefore need ETH tokens - does it make sense? if I would like to transfer ETH from my wallet do I need to keep additional ETH (around 10% of value which I want to send)? - does it sound reasonable?
    – higger
    Commented Sep 6 at 6:49

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