Our Eclipse Testnet info was already included on Safe-singleton-factory, Safe-deployments, Safe-core-sdk, and Safe-wallet-web repositories.

Based on that, I have been trying to execute safe-infrastructure repo on my local end.

I was following up on the guide doc to run it locally and could add my chain info on http://localhost:8000/cfg/admin/.

Here's my chainInfo:

  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "chainId": "555666",
      "chainName": "EclipseChain Testnet",
      "shortName": "EclipseChain Testnet",
      "description": "",
      "chainLogoUri": "http://localhost:8000/cfg/media/chains/555666/chain_logo_16hZikh.png",
      "l2": true,
      "isTestnet": true,
      "rpcUri": {
        "authentication": "NO_AUTHENTICATION",
        "value": "https://subnets.avax.network/eclipsecha/testnet/rpc"
      "safeAppsRpcUri": {
        "authentication": "NO_AUTHENTICATION",
        "value": "https://subnets.avax.network/eclipsecha/testnet/rpc"
      "publicRpcUri": {
        "authentication": "NO_AUTHENTICATION",
        "value": "https://subnets.avax.network/eclipsecha/testnet/rpc"
      "blockExplorerUriTemplate": {
        "address": "https://subnets-test.avax.network/eclipsecha/address/{{address}}",
        "txHash": "https://subnets-test.avax.network/eclipsecha/tx/{{txHash}}",
        "api": "https://subnets-test.avax.network/eclipsecha/api?module={{module}}&action={{action}}&address={{address}}&apiKey={{apiKey}}"
      "nativeCurrency": {
        "name": "EclipseChain Token",
        "symbol": "ECLPS",
        "decimals": 18,
        "logoUri": "http://localhost:8000/cfg/media/chains/555666/currency_logo_3No25Fo.png"
      "pricesProvider": {
        "nativeCoin": null,
        "chainName": null
      "transactionService": "http://nginx:8000/txs",
      "vpcTransactionService": "http://nginx:8000/txs",
      "theme": {
        "textColor": "#ffffff",
        "backgroundColor": "#000000"
      "gasPrice": [],
      "ensRegistryAddress": null,
      "recommendedMasterCopyVersion": "1.3.0",
      "disabledWallets": [],
      "features": [

The problem is that it loads forever in the indexing step when I create a new safe account.

I confirmed that a new safe account has been created and validated on our Eclipse Testnet.

https://subnets-test.avax.network/eclipsecha/address/0x5B98302A87384999Be83eC3232aa213521d5DAF1 https://subnets-test.avax.network/eclipsecha/tx/0xec633f520f18e6bd16fa3b53bf4b9f53937e8ae7f676aa5bc9a0a3dff47bc5cb

I attached some screenshot images so you can see what's the issue on my side.

  • Frontend UI: enter image description here

  • Docker logs of safe-infrastructure-cgw-web-1: enter image description here

  • Docker logs of safe-infrastructure-txs-worker-index-1: enter image description here

  • Response of Endpoint http://localhost:8000/txs/api/v1/about/indexing/


Please let me know what is the root cause and how to fix it.

Thank you.

  • Thanks for reaching out. Could you please add the logs from worker-indexer, and also what is the indexing endpoint response in the tx service txs/api/v1/about/indexing/. Thank you in advance 🙏 Commented Jun 7 at 12:17
  • @Louis-SafeCoreTeam Thank you for your prompt response, I added more info(logs of worker-index and response of endpoint) you need in the above question. Please let me know if you need more information.
    – happyleow
    Commented Jun 7 at 16:42
  • @Louis-SafeCoreTeam Hello how are you, do you have an update for me? thanks.
    – happyleow
    Commented Jun 10 at 16:43
  • Hi, backend lead for Safe here, are you using the L2 version of the Safe contract when deploying new Safes?
    – Uxío
    Commented Jun 10 at 20:16
  • @Uxío Hello, I already deployed both safe-deployments v1.3.0 and v1.4.1 contracts. Also, I set L2 version as true when setting my chaininfo. (you can check my chainInfo in the above) How do I confirm if I use L2 version of the Safe contract or not?
    – happyleow
    Commented Jun 11 at 2:59

2 Answers 2


I finally solved it...

There are 2 problems that I missed.

  • Use the correct shortName, I didn't follow Eip-3779 name.(in my case, shortName is eclipset)
  • Add master copies(safe_l2 and safe contract) and proxy factory contract addresses from safe-deployments repo, by interacting http://localhost:8000/txs/admin/.

The following post is helpful for me. Problem with running safe transaction service locally


As @happyleow said, the EIP-3779 short names are imported direct into the Config service from Chainlist at https://chainid.network/shortNameMapping.json.

Picking the right short name fixed the problem for me too.

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