I would like to fetch transaction data of the Gnosis Safe wallet on Arbitum L2 chain.
I have found the following answer for mainnet: https://help.safe.global/en/articles/40822-export-transaction-data
The recommendation was to fetch it the following way: https://safe-transaction-mainnet.safe.global/api/v1/safes/0xA063Cb7CFd8E57c30c788A0572CBbf2129ae56B6/multisig-transactions/
However, when I tried to change the URL from mainnet.safe.glabal to arbitrum.safe.global, it does not work for me.
How can I change the following URL to fetch all the transactions on Arbitrum: https://safe-transaction-arbitrum.safe.global/api/v1/safes/0xc6a19210a6c026121f1f552634804c1a719caf77/multisig-transactions/
Thank you in advance!