Is it possible to know the amount of storage operations (or gas spent) that are between, let's say 4 functions, or a full contract?

Is foundry capable of this?


  • This post might answer your question. Commented May 3 at 16:18
  • Seems like that's for contract deployment. Gotta dig deeper to see if it can do what I want to achieve @SYEDASADKAZMI
    – dNyrM
    Commented May 4 at 13:11
  • It actually gives gas usage for the functions within the contract as well. Commented May 4 at 14:12

1 Answer 1


According to my knowledge direct measurement of gas usage between functions in a deployed smart contract isn't possible. It's like measuring flour used for each step in a baked cake. Gas is tracked at the instruction level, not the function level in the compiled code (similar to how a recipe doesn't track flour per step).

However, tools like Foundry can help estimate gas usage indirectly:

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