I have this smart contract:

contract Truerec {
    struct Certificate {
        address issuerAddress;
        string  identityType;
        string  identityHash;
        string  dataHash;
        bool   revoked;

    mapping(bytes32 => Certificate) certificates;

    function issue(string _key, 
        string _identityType, 
        string _identityHash, 
        string _dataHash) {
        certificates[sha3(_key)] = Certificate(

How can I check whether a mapping already exists and by using that make sure that if the key already exists, that the existing mapping will not be overwritten?

I need something like:

function issue(string _key, 
    string _identityType, 
    string _identityHash, 
    string _dataHash) {

    require(!key_exists(sha3(_key, certificates)]

    certificates[sha3(_key)] = Certificate(

1 Answer 1


From: http://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/types.html#mappings

Mappings can be seen as hashtables which are virtually initialized such that every possible key exists and is mapped to a value whose byte-representation is all zeros: a type’s default value.

A trick I have seen being used some times is to have a bool as the first field, as follows:

struct Certificate {
    bool exists;
    address issuerAddress;
    string  identityType;
    string  identityHash;
    string  dataHash;
    bool   revoked;

When a certificate is created, set the exists field to always be true. The default value of a bool is false. So the check to see whether a key is already mapped would be:


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