I have run into the above error trying to deploy my contract. Running npx hardhat scripts/deploy.js. Here is the deploy.js:
async function main() {
const Test1 = await ethers.getContractFactory("Test1");
// Start deployment, returning a promise that resolves to a contract object
const test1 = await Test1.deploy()
await test1.waitForDeployment()
console.log("Contract deployed to address:", test1.address)
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((error) => {
Here is my hardhat.config:
/** @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */
const { API_KEY, PRIVATE_KEY } = process.env;
module.exports = {
solidity: "0.8.19",
defaultNetwork: "sepolia",
networks: {
sepolia: {
url: `${API_KEY}`,
account: [`0x${PRIVATE_KEY}`],
gas: 2100000,
gasPrice: 8000000000,
saveDeployments: true,
Also, I am 100% sure that my keys are working because this index.js script:
async function main() {
const latestBlock = await ethers.provider.getBlock("latest");
console.log("The latest block number is", latestBlock);
returned this without issue:
The latest block number is Block {
provider: HardhatEthersProvider {
_hardhatProvider: LazyInitializationProviderAdapter {
_providerFactory: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
_emitter: [EventEmitter],
_initializingPromise: [Promise],
provider: [BackwardsCompatibilityProviderAdapter]
_networkName: 'sepolia',
_blockListeners: [],
_transactionHashListeners: Map(0) {},
_eventListeners: []
number: 4317743,
hash: '0x958fcc2623779ccf65955ce0c9a6942610911428d604c0aad9a1409cad3f36d5',
timestamp: 1695094548,
parentHash: '0x6e92e3f483ac89882a72ae39c5691b8ebda83272fc2ea88841cd60abd49215bc',
nonce: '0x0000000000000000',
difficulty: 0n,
gasLimit: 30000000n,
gasUsed: 24226851n,
miner: '0xF29Ff96aaEa6C9A1fBa851f74737f3c069d4f1a9',
extraData: '0xd883010c00846765746888676f312e32302e34856c696e7578',
baseFeePerGas: 21n
and I am seeing this reflected in my API.
I am seeing transactions on my API long after I try to run the deploy script but it doesn't seem to have actually done anything. THAT transaction method on my API is called eth_accounts and they are empty.
test1 = await Test1.deploy()
totest1 = await ethers.deployContract('Test1')
. Just guesstest1 = await ethers.deployContract('Test1')
did not work. I'm still getting the same error.