Take my address for example : 0xc9d7b2e7fb30613cf0303438e739ff0aa7c856ef You can see all of the alphabet letters are small case . But when I search this address in polygon mumbai for example , I get the following result : enter image description here

Now you can see that my address looks like combination of capital letters , small letters and numbers . How this works ? I searched using small-case version ( if that's what it is called ) of my address but when I got result from the explorer , it has made some letters capitalized . How did this happened ?

1 Answer 1


Ethereum address checksum is encoded in alphabet cases in hexadecimal. This allows to detect copy-paste errors in Ethereum addresses.

This is EIP-55 standard.

  • Thanks Mikko , got my answer Commented Sep 13, 2023 at 4:43

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