How to monitor USDT deposits in multiple smart contract wallets on binance smart chain (BSC)?
2 Answers
You could monitor the real-time USDT deposit transactions using the Moralis streams API. All you need is to setup a streams with a webhook to receive the real-time data.
This is an example of how the code to set up monitoring event streams will look like. You can modify it to your requirement.
import Moralis from "moralis";
import { EvmChain } from "@moralisweb3/common-evm-utils";
apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
const ERC20_transfer_ABI = [{
"anonymous": false,
"inputs": [
{ "indexed": true, "name": "from", "type": "address" },
{ "indexed": true, "name": "to", "type": "address" },
{ "indexed": false, "name": "value", "type": "uint256" },
"name": "transfer",
"type": "event",
}]; // valid abi of the event
const options = {
chains: [EvmChain.BSC], // list of blockchains to monitor
description: "monitor all ERC20 transfers", // your description
tag: "ERC20_transfers", // give it a tag
abi: ERC20_transfer_ABI,
allAddresses: true,
topic0: ["transfer(address,address,uint256)"], // topic of the event
advancedOptions: [
topic0: "transfer(address,address,uint256)",
webhookUrl: "https://YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL", // webhook url to receive events,
const stream = await Moralis.Streams.add(options);
const { id } = stream.toJSON(); // { id: 'YOUR_STREAM_ID', ...newStream }
// Now add the contract address which you want to monitor address with the stream
const address = "0x..";
await Moralis.Streams.addAddress({ address, id });
You can check Moralis docs or reach out to the moralis forum if you have any questions.
disclaimer: I work at Moralis
You can
- Write monitoring script in Python, JavaScript. Programming knowledge is needed.
- Monitor all USDT ERC-20 Transfer events. Some tutorials for event monitoring here.
- From all events, filter events that have the target address matching your list
No, I am here to answer your questions, not doing your work for you. If you want work then hire a contractor. Commented Jul 14, 2023 at 9:21