I am trying to run the following contract in truffle, which is pretty much the same HelloWorld but I kept the name MetaCoin from the truffle example. I have read this, this, and this posts related to this problem. Those fixes do not work in my case.
I am using Truffle v3.2.1 and testrpc client
contract MetaCoin {
uint public balance;
function MetaCoin(){
balance = 1000;
I compile, migrate and run console, and check it's been deployed:
truffle(development)> MetaCoin.deployed();
And the output seems correct so far...
TruffleContract {
{ [Function: TruffleContract]
{ setProvider: [Function: setProvider],
new: [Function: new],
at: [Function: at],
deployed: [Function: deployed],
defaults: [Function: defaults],
hasNetwork: [Function: hasNetwork],
isDeployed: [Function: isDeployed],
detectNetwork: [Function: detectNetwork],
setNetwork: [Function: setNetwork],
resetAddress: [Function: resetAddress],
link: [Function: link],
clone: [Function: clone],
addProp: [Function: addProp],
toJSON: [Function: toJSON] },
{ contract_name: [Object],
abi: [Object],
network: [Function: network],
networks: [Function: networks],
address: [Object],
links: [Function: links],
events: [Function: events],
binary: [Function: binary],
unlinked_binary: [Object],
schema_version: [Function: schema_version],
updated_at: [Function: updated_at] },
_property_values: {},
{ contract_name: 'MetaCoin',
default_network: undefined,
abi: [Object],
unlinked_binary: '0x6060604052346000575b6103e86000555b5b60708061001f6000396000f300606060405263ffffffff60e060020a600035041663b69ef8a881146022575b6000565b34600057602c603e565b60408051918252519081900360200190f35b600054815600a165627a7a7230582041830854cedee45f2bd4eeaf84234adc0711a5415d238ee5c39b677b533974c30029',
networks: [Object],
schema_version: '0.0.5',
updated_at: 1491813299298 },
setProvider: [Function: bound setProvider],
new: [Function: bound new],
at: [Function: bound at],
deployed: [Function: bound deployed],
defaults: [Function: bound defaults],
hasNetwork: [Function: bound hasNetwork],
isDeployed: [Function: bound isDeployed],
detectNetwork: [Function: bound detectNetwork],
setNetwork: [Function: bound setNetwork],
resetAddress: [Function: bound resetAddress],
link: [Function: bound link],
clone: [Function: bound clone],
addProp: [Function: bound addProp],
toJSON: [Function: bound toJSON],
Web3 {
_requestManager: [Object],
currentProvider: [Object],
eth: [Object],
db: [Object],
shh: [Object],
net: [Object],
personal: [Object],
bzz: [Object],
settings: [Object],
version: [Object],
providers: [Object],
_extend: [Object] },
{ from: '0x3134fbda1c6ff76deb6c336b8460794ec842d2ae',
gas: 4712388,
gasPrice: 100000000000 },
currentProvider: HttpProvider { host: 'http://localhost:8545', timeout: 0 },
network_id: '1491808773134' },
[ { constant: true,
inputs: [],
name: 'balance',
outputs: [Object],
payable: false,
type: 'function' },
{ inputs: [], payable: false, type: 'constructor' } ],
Contract {
Eth {
_requestManager: [Object],
getBalance: [Object],
getStorageAt: [Object],
getCode: [Object],
getBlock: [Object],
getUncle: [Object],
getCompilers: [Object],
getBlockTransactionCount: [Object],
getBlockUncleCount: [Object],
getTransaction: [Object],
getTransactionFromBlock: [Object],
getTransactionReceipt: [Object],
getTransactionCount: [Object],
call: [Object],
estimateGas: [Object],
sendRawTransaction: [Object],
signTransaction: [Object],
sendTransaction: [Object],
sign: [Object],
compile: [Object],
submitWork: [Object],
getWork: [Object],
coinbase: [Getter],
getCoinbase: [Object],
mining: [Getter],
getMining: [Object],
hashrate: [Getter],
getHashrate: [Object],
syncing: [Getter],
getSyncing: [Object],
gasPrice: [Getter],
getGasPrice: [Object],
accounts: [Getter],
getAccounts: [Object],
blockNumber: [Getter],
getBlockNumber: [Object],
protocolVersion: [Getter],
getProtocolVersion: [Object],
iban: [Object],
sendIBANTransaction: [Function: bound transfer] },
transactionHash: null,
address: '0xdfefe34eb214332f4188c5582ddba2c1ea5cd623',
abi: [ [Object], [Object] ],
{ [Function: bound ]
request: [Function: bound ],
call: [Function: bound ],
sendTransaction: [Function: bound ],
estimateGas: [Function: bound ],
getData: [Function: bound ],
'': [Circular] },
allEvents: [Function: bound ] },
{ [Function]
call: [Function],
sendTransaction: [Function],
request: [Function: bound ],
estimateGas: [Function] },
sendTransaction: [Function],
send: [Function],
allEvents: [Function: bound ],
address: '0xdfefe34eb214332f4188c5582ddba2c1ea5cd623',
transactionHash: null }
And now I try to check the balance in different ways:
truffle(development)> meta = MetaCoin.deployed()
truffle(development)> meta.balance.call()
truffle(development)> MetaCoin.deployed().balance.call()
truffle(development)> meta.balance.call().then(console.log)
and this is the error I get!
TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined
at evalmachine.<anonymous>:1:28
at ContextifyScript.Script.runInContext (vm.js:32:29)
at Object.runInContext (vm.js:87:6)
at TruffleInterpreter.interpret (C:\Users\310267627\AppData\Roaming \npm\node_modules\truffle\lib\repl.js:136:17)
at bound (domain.js:280:14)
at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:293:12)
at REPLServer.onLine (repl.js:536:10)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at REPLServer.emit (events.js:191:7)
at REPLServer.Interface._onLine (readline.js:241:10)
Any ideas?!