suppose i have:

struct Features {
        uint256 _level;
        uint256 _strength;

mapping(uint256 => Features) public tokenIdToFeatures;

Now i wanna set both feature from 2 different functions, like this:

 function getLevels(uint256 _tokenId) public returns (string memory) {
        tokenToFeatures[_tokenId] = Features({_level: level})
        return level.toString();
    function getStrength(uint256 _tokenId) public returns(string memory){
        tokenIdToFeatures[_tokenId] = Features({_strength: strength});

Is it right approach? if not then what is the right approach? N.B: As i creating a NFT so i will have to set this 2 features in 2 places, like this:

'<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" viewBox="0 0 350 350">',
            '<style>.base { fill: white; font-family: serif; font-size: 14px; }</style>',
            '<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="black" />',
            '<text x="50%" y="40%" class="base" dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle">',
            '<text x="50%" y="50%" class="base" dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle">',
            "Levels: ",
            '<text x="50%" y="50%" class="base" dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle">',
            "Levels: ",

That is why i created 2 different functions.

1 Answer 1


Your approach is close, but there are potential improvements you can make:

  1. I suppose there's a typo in getLevels it should be tokenIdToFeatures instead of tokenToFeatures

  2. I think it's better to update values like this:

    tokenIdToFeatures[_tokenId]._level++; // level++ isn't needed
    tokenIdToFeatures[_tokenId]._strength++; // strength++ isn't needed
  3. You could use event to log the feature updates as it's common practice

  • Right, thanks, will my approach give error?
    – Hacek
    Commented Apr 20, 2023 at 6:46
  • if you fix the typo, it wont give error Commented Apr 20, 2023 at 20:55

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