Error: This command requires clean working and staging areas, including no untracked files. Modify .gitignore and/or add/commit first, or add the --no-commit option.
What if I don't want to commit code yet
How to resolve this issue
You may already be inside a git folder when doing this command. In general it is best to use forge outside of another git folder (this is what is meant with "clean").
Use the following command to use foundry without git:
forge init --no-git
or forge init --no-commit
I'm assuming you're using forge init. In case you want to use forge install
use the following commands forge install --no-git
or forge install --no-commit
but do note that normally dependencies are installed as git submodules.
The foundry book is a great resource, I recommend browsing for any general issue.
If you are trying to install dependencies in a foundry project which is also a git repository, your best option is forge install --no-commit
which installs the dependency as a git submodule.
There is also forge install --no-git
but I would use that only if I have a specific reason to.