So here is my problem .

I have 2 users of my DApp : Admin and User

Admin is the contract owner and can access admin panel of my DApp . User is a normal user having something like a conditional access . The contract owner creates a transactionId ( similar to a token Id ) and corresponding to that Id I have mapped submitters and approvers . Submitter submits a transaction and approver approves that transaction after transaction has been submitted by the submitter .

Now my idea is that the User's UI will somewhat be like he gets 2 lists : one containing transactions that he has to submit ( the admin granted him the role of submitter for those particular transaction Ids ) and , the other list is containing transactions that he has to approve ( the admin granted him the role of approver for those particular transaction Ids ) .

I'll share the code snippet here :

    contract MyContract {
        constructor() {
            admin = msg.sender;
            _grantRole(ADMIN,admin); // when contract is deployed ADMIN role is granted to msg.sender i.e. the deployer of the contract 
    mapping(uint256 => address[]) public transactionIdToApproversArray; 
    mapping(uint256 => address[]) public transactionIdToSubmittersArray; 

    function submit(uint256 _transactionId, address[] memory _submitters ,address[] memory _approvers,uint256 _numConfirmationsRequired) external onlyRole(ADMIN) {
        require(_approvers.length>1,"Approvers required must be greater than 1");
        require(_numConfirmationsRequired>0 && _numConfirmationsRequired<=_approvers.length,"Num of confirmations are not in sync with the number of approvers");
        for (uint i = 0; i < _submitters.length; i++) {
            require(_submitters[i] != address(0),"address cannot be a zero address");
// do something

        for (uint i=0;i<_approvers.length;i++){
            require(_approvers[i] != address(0),"address cannot be a zero address");
// do something 

The problem that I currently have is when I pass an array of submitters and approvers , they are set as universal submitters and approvers ( means they have become submitters and approvers in the context of whole contract , I want to limit submitters' and approvers' access to a particular transaction Id only ) . I've used Openzeppelin's access control right now .

Thank you in advance .

  • How did you define SUBMITTER and APPROVER? How do you check the assigned role?
    – Ismael
    Commented Mar 15, 2023 at 17:10
  • I defined like this earlier : mapping(bytes32 => mapping(address => bool)) public roles; This says role when mapped to an address returns boolean . But after spending a good amount of time thinking what could be done I came up with this : mapping(bytes32 => mapping(address =>mapping(uint256 => bool))) public roles; I want to ask you is the second way of limiting role access okay or I can do something better ? The second way says that bytes32 role is mapped to an address and that address is mapped to a transaction Id , the returned value of this triple nested mapping is a boolean . Commented Mar 15, 2023 at 17:38
  • e.g. first way -> roles[role_in_bytes32][wallet_address] = boolean_value; This way of doing had a problem that the submitter or approver role was being granted in the context of whole contract but I wanted that role should be given to an address depending on transaction Id . So I came up with second way . e.g. second way -> roles[role_in_bytes32][wallet_address][transaction_id] = boolean_value; This way an address will be granted/revoked role depending on a transaction Id . Commented Mar 15, 2023 at 17:40
  • You should use OpenZeppelin AccessControl. It is tested and works. A different approach might work but I can't verify without the code.
    – Ismael
    Commented Mar 15, 2023 at 18:07

2 Answers 2


In order to create conditional access control for submitters and approvers based on transaction IDs, you can create a Transaction struct with a mapping for both submitters and approvers:

struct Transaction {
    uint256 numConfirmationsRequired;
    mapping(address => bool) submitters;
    mapping(address => bool) approvers;

To assign submitters and approvers for a specific transaction ID, you can use a function like this:

function submit(uint256 _transactionId, address[] memory _submitters, address[] memory _approvers, uint256 _numConfirmationsRequired) external onlyAdmin {
    // Validation checks here...

    Transaction storage t = transactions[_transactionId];
    t.numConfirmationsRequired = _numConfirmationsRequired;

    for (uint i = 0; i < _submitters.length; i++) {
        t.submitters[_submitters[i]] = true;

    for (uint i = 0; i < _approvers.length; i++) {
        t.approvers[_approvers[i]] = true;

This approach allows you to limit the access of submitters and approvers for a specific transaction ID


This is how I solved my problem :

contract MyContract {
    address public admin; // contract owner

    mapping(bytes32 => mapping(address =>mapping(uint256 => bool))) public roles; // admin , approver , submitter // by doing this an address has a certain role for a certain ID only .
    enter code here

    // 0xdf8b4c520ffe197c5343c6f5aec59570151ef9a492f2c624fd45ddde6135ec42
    bytes32 private constant ADMIN = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("ADMIN")); // admin
    // 0x5ff1fb0ce9089603e6e193667ed17164e0360a6148f4a39fc194055588948a31
    bytes32 private constant APPROVER = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("APPROVER")); // approver

    // 0x12b80c3c1a8f58857e0e80e1961585f574502e089ca974eb9fcf05cf904fe012
    bytes32 private constant SUBMITTER = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("SUBMITTER")); // submitter 

    constructor() {
        admin = msg.sender;
        _grantRole(ADMIN,admin,876578867866876); // when contract is deployed ADMIN role is granted to msg.sender i.e. the deployer of the contract 
function _grantRole(bytes32 _role , address _account,uint256 _formId) internal {
    roles[_role][_account][_formId] = true;
    emit GrantRole(_role,_account,_formId);

modifier onlyRole(bytes32 _role,uint256 _formId) {
    require(roles[_role][msg.sender][_formId],"not authorized");

function grantRole(bytes32 _role , address _account,uint256 _formId) external onlyRole(ADMIN,876578867866876) { // admin grants a certain role to a certain address
    require(_account != address(0),"address cannot be a zero address");

function revokeRole(bytes32 _role , address _account,uint256 _formId) external onlyRole(ADMIN,876578867866876) { // admin can revoke a certain role from a certain address anytime he wants
    require(_account != address(0),"address cannot be a zero address");
    roles[_role][_account][_formId] = false;
    emit RevokeRole(_role,_account,_formId);
    event GrantRole(bytes32 indexed role , address indexed account,uint256 _formId);
event RevokeRole(bytes32 indexed role , address indexed account,uint256 _formId);


This approach worked for me . However , I am open to suggestions on how can I make this contract better .

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