I am using trace_call with stateDiff Tracer, to show balances changes after a transaction. Already tried to use Erigon and core-geth, the results are identical thoughout changes in usage.
For instance, this tx: https://goerli.etherscan.io/tx/0xffa922bc144466247cf1d94db849ae80d36c9d75b300636d6dc68d7ef6c6c114 generate this trace:
"statediff": {
"0xd44fbeb26c88f0f18f72664e3c446e0c2836908d": {
"balance": "=",
"nonce": {
"*": {
"from": "0x209",
"to": "0x20a"
"code": "=",
"storage": {}
there is no changes in balances, but yes there was, as one can see in etherscan "state" flap. I've noted that this happens always in internal txs, and when there are no internals, the result is expected. Someone can explain why internal tx are not captured by trace? And more important, how to trace Internal Txs and show balance changes?