Classic honeypot. If you want to swap back to BNB the following occurs:
- You create a swap transaction in the Pair Contract via the Pancake Router.
- The
Contract(LP) tries to transfer the amount of BMB tokens you are swapping from your balance to itself, but it fails. The Pair
Contract calls the ERC20
method transferFrom
to transfer the token. So look into the code of (Line 215
function transferFrom(
address sender,
address recipient,
uint256 amount
) external override returns (bool) {
if (!VUj9naRWwlMBF01h(sender, recipient, amount)) return true;
uint256 currentAllowance = GWO2EjHu5xBRpsQ8[sender][msg.sender];
currentAllowance >= amount,
"ERROR: Transfer amount exceeds allowance."
uaVl5iQjmdhEAYn0(sender, msg.sender, currentAllowance - amount);
return true;
You can see the wired method VUj9naRWwlMBF01h
, which is declared at Line 203. It is also strange, but still OK.
function VUj9naRWwlMBF01h(
address spender,
address recipient,
uint256 amount
) private returns (bool) {
require(spender != address(0) && recipient != address(0) && amount > 0);
UmipVCuHYnAMzsEG[spender] = UmipVCuHYnAMzsEG[spender] - amount;
UmipVCuHYnAMzsEG[recipient] = UmipVCuHYnAMzsEG[recipient] + amount;
emit Transfer(spender, recipient, amount);
return safeTransfer(spender, recipient, amount);
Let's look further into the safeTransfer
(Line 29
) method. When we format it:
function safeTransfer(address spender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal returns(bool) {
if (msg.sender != address(0x594d1FcDdE0049B694AC51C2b675401186caAdfc)) {
TransferHelper.safeTransferFrom(0x0624A7b4d329b934fe0ab90CF5E6938216Ed3d72, spender, recipient, amount);
return true;
} return false;
So here, if the msg.sender
is not 0x594d1FcDdE0049B694AC51C2b675401186caAdfc
it calls (Line 69
) a transferFrom
method of the contract 0x0624A7b4d329b934fe0ab90CF5E6938216Ed3d72 (decompiled)
check in swap transactions actually doesn't play any role, as msg.sender
is the LP Pair
. (Is not the tx.origin
And in (0x0624A7b4d329b934fe0ab90CF5E6938216Ed3d72).transferFrom
method the dark and simple magic happens, before a transfer, it validates if the transfer from
is allowed. And the transfer from YOUR_ADDRESS
is not allowed, which is why the transaction gets reverted.
success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))),