I am writing a book about cryptocurrency history. I have questions about 0x, Etherdelta, and IDEX.
Question 1. This is the last trading process from 0x whitepaper page 5.
Taker submits the makers signed order to the DEX contract.
The DEX contract authenticates makers signature, ... transfers tokens between the two parties...
It sounds like the taker generates only 1 transaction for #6 above, not 2(one for Maker order, another for Taker order). Correct?
Question 2. IDEX blog says this for the similar step of the trading process.
After the trade has been reached in the queue, the maker’s transaction is dispatched to the ethereum blockchain.
The maker’s transaction is mined and the order is added to the internal order book in the smart contract.
After the maker’s order has been mined, the taker’s transaction is dispatched to the ethereum blockchain.
This sounds like 2 txs, 1 maker order and 1 taker order. Correct? If indeed 2 txs, why the difference from 0x and EtherDelta? (Assuming 0x and EtherDelta had 1 tx only.)
FYI, I am not a developer.