That's now my second try to create a battle Contract for ERC721 NFTs with a reward and Burn function but I'm kind of stuck, if someone has a few hints I would be very grateful. EDIT: Visibility for constructor is ignored, thats the error I get when I try to Compile
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "";
import "";
contract BattleContract {
using SafeMath for uint256;
// Address of the ERC721 contract that holds the NFTs
address public erc721Address = 0x8fec6549beb5EBE7dE383Ce9f6DdA42b8e6aa2c2;
// Address of the reward coin contract
address public rewardCoinAddress = 0x77e2DfBA9FB9EB46b3ca83CAeb31782253914a23;
// Maximum number of losses allowed before an NFT is burned
uint256 public maxLosses = 3;
// Pending battles
struct Battle {
address player1;
uint256 nft1;
address player2;
uint256 nft2;
Battle[] public battles;
// Mapping from NFT ID to loss count
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public nftLosses;
// ERC721 contract instance
ERC721 erc721;
constructor() public {
erc721 = ERC721(erc721Address);
function initiateBattle(address player1, uint256 nft1, address player2, uint256 nft2) public {
// Check if the given NFTs exist and are owned by the given players
require(erc721.exists(nft1) && erc721.ownerOf(nft1) == player1, "NFT1 does not exist or is not owned by player1");
require(erc721.exists(nft2) && erc721.ownerOf(nft2) == player2, "NFT2 does not exist or is not owned by player2");
// Add the battle to the pending battles array
player1: player1,
nft1: nft1,
player2: player2,
nft2: nft2
function resolveBattle(uint256 battleIndex, bool player1Wins) public {
Battle storage battle = battles[battleIndex];
// Check if the given battle index is valid
require(battle.player1 != address(0), "Invalid battle index");
// Determine the winner and loser of the battle
address winner;
uint256 winningNFT;
address loser;
uint256 losingNFT;
if (player1Wins) {
winner = battle.player1;
winningNFT = battle.nft1;
loser = battle.player2;
losingNFT = battle.nft2;
} else {
winner = battle.player2;
winningNFT = battle.nft2;
loser = battle.player1;
losingNFT = battle.nft1;
// Update the loss count for the losing NFT
nftLosses[losingNFT] = nftLosses[losingNFT].add(1);
// Check if the NFT has reached the maximum number of allowed losses
if (nftLosses[losingNFT] >= maxLosses) {
// Burn the losing NFT
erc721.burn(loser, losingNFT);
// Transfer some amount of the reward coin to the winner
rewardCoinAddress.transfer(winner, 1);
// Clear the battle from the pending battles array
battle.player1 = address(0);
battle.player2 = address(0);
battle.nft1 = 0;
battle.nft2 = 0;