import "./PupperPass.sol";
import "https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/release-v2.5.0/contracts/crowdsale/Crowdsale.sol";
import "https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/release-v2.5.0/contracts/crowdsale/emission/MintedCrowdsale.sol";

// Have the PupperPass contract inherit the following OpenZeppelin:
// * Crowdsale
// * MintedCrowdsale
contract PupperPassCrowdsale is Crowdsale, MintedCrowdsale{ // UPDATE THE CONTRACT SIGNATURE TO ADD INHERITANCE
    // Provide parameters for all of the features of your crowdsale, such as the `rate`, `wallet` for fundraising, and `token`.
        uint256 rate,
        address payable wallet,
        PupCoin token
    ) public Crowdsale(rate, wallet, token) {


contract PupCoinCrowdsaleDeployer {
    // Create an `address public` variable called `pupper_token_address`.
    address public pupper_token_address;
    // Create an `address public` variable called `pupper_crowdsale_address`.
    address public pupper_crowdsale_address;

    // Add the constructor.
       string memory name,
       string memory symbol,
       address payable wallet 
    ) public {
        // Create a new instance of the Pupcoin contract.
        PupCoin token = new PupCoin(name, symbol, 0);
        // Assign the token contract’s address to the `pupper_token_address` variable.
        pupper_token_address = address(token);

        // Create a new instance of the `PupCoinCrowdsale` contract
        PupCoinCrowdsale pupper_crowdsale = 
            new PupCoinCrowdsale(1, wallet, token);
        // Assign the `PupCoinCrowdsale` contract’s address to the `pupper_crowdsale_address` variable.
        pupper_crowdsale_address = address(pupper_crowdsale);
        // Set the `PupCoinCrowdsale` contract as a minter
        // Have the `PupCoinCrowdsaleDeployer` renounce its minter role.

Line 43, "puppper_crowdsale is no unique or not found, I can't find a solution to this, i've looked at my notes and the code seems correct, I just create a variable to create a new instance to the crowdsale contract. Am I missing something would appreciate some help.


1 Answer 1


It looks like there is a typo in your contract on line 43. The variable name is pupper_crowdsale, but you wrote puppper_crowdsale.

Try changing line 43 to the following:

PupCoinCrowdsale pupper_crowdsale = 
            new PupCoinCrowdsale(1, wallet, token);

This should fix the error.

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