Working on migrating VRF to V2 but met with error that requestRandomness
function is undeclared identifier.
Previous V1 the VRF was implemented using 'VRFConsumerBase.sol'. Currently using V2 'VRFV2WrapperConsumerBase.sol' contract based on example by Chainlink's documentation.
My full code:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/VRFV2WrapperConsumerBase.sol";
contract RandomWinnerGame is Ownable {
//Chainlink variables
// The amount of LINK to send with the request
uint256 public fee;
// Address of the players
address[] public players;
//Max number of players in one game
uint8 maxPlayers;
// Variable to indicate if the game has started or not
bool public gameStarted;
// the fees for entering the game
uint256 entryFee;
// current game id
uint256 public gameId;
// Depends on the number of requested values that you want sent to the
// fulfillRandomWords() function. Test and adjust
// this limit based on the network that you select, the size of the request,
// and the processing of the callback request in the fulfillRandomWords()
// function.
uint32 callbackGasLimit = 400000;
// The default is 3, but you can set this higher.
uint16 requestConfirmations = 3;
// For this example, retrieve 2 random values in one request.
// Cannot exceed VRFV2Wrapper.getConfig().maxNumWords.
uint32 numWords = 1;
// emitted when the game starts
event GameStarted(uint256 gameId, uint8 maxPlayers, uint256 entryFee);
// emitted when someone joins a game
event PlayerJoined(uint256 gameId, address player);
// emitted when the game ends
event GameEnded(uint256 gameId, address winner, uint256 requestId);
* constructor inherits a VRFConsumerBase and initiates the values for keyHash, fee and gameStarted
* @param wrapperAddress address of VRF Wrapper contract
* @param linkToken address of LINK token contract
* @param vrfFee the amount of LINK to send with the request
constructor(address wrapperAddress, address linkToken, uint256 vrfFee)
VRFV2WrapperConsumerBase(linkToken, wrapperAddress) {
fee = vrfFee;
gameStarted = false;
* startGame starts the game by setting appropriate values for all the variables
function startGame(uint8 _maxPlayers, uint256 _entryFee) public onlyOwner {
// Check if there is a game already running
require(!gameStarted, "Game is currently running");
// empty the players array
delete players;
// set the max players for this game
maxPlayers = _maxPlayers;
// set the game started to true
gameStarted = true;
// setup the entryFee for the game
entryFee = _entryFee;
gameId += 1;
emit GameStarted(gameId, maxPlayers, entryFee);
joinGame is called when a player wants to enter the game
function joinGame() public payable {
// Check if a game is already running
require(gameStarted, "Game has not been started yet");
// Check if the value sent by the user matches the entryFee
require(msg.value == entryFee, "Value sent is not equal to entryFee");
// Check if there is still some space left in the game to add another player
require(players.length < maxPlayers, "Game is full");
// add the sender to the players list
emit PlayerJoined(gameId, msg.sender);
// If the list is full start the winner selection process
if(players.length == maxPlayers) {
* fulfillRandomness is called by VRFCoordinator when it receives a valid VRF proof.
* This function is overrided to act upon the random number generated by Chainlink VRF.
* @param requestId this ID is unique for the request we sent to the VRF Coordinator
* @param randomness this is a random unit256 generated and returned to us by the VRF Coordinator
function fulfillRandomness(uint256 requestId, uint256[] memory randomness) internal virtual override {
// We want out winnerIndex to be in the length from 0 to players.length-1
// For this we mod it with the player.length value
uint256 winnerIndex = randomness[0] % players.length;
// get the address of the winner from the players array
address winner = players[winnerIndex];
// send the ether in the contract to the winner
(bool sent,) ={value: address(this).balance}("");
require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");
// Emit that the game has ended
emit GameEnded(gameId, winner, requestId);
// set the gameStarted variable to false
gameStarted = false;
* getRandomWinner is called to start the process of selecting a random winner
function getRandomWinner() private returns (uint256 requestId) {
// Make a request to the VRF coordinator.
// requestRandomness is a function within the VRFConsumerBase
// it starts the process of randomness generation
return requestRandomness(
// Function to receive Ether. must be empty
receive() external payable {}
// Fallback function is called when is not empty
fallback() external payable {}
What could cause this error?