I am getting the error in the title when trying to update the contract with a function I wrote. Any help with this? If I change 'from' to 'to' and use my address it also doesn't work properly. I am using w3.py

store_transaction = Voting_Contract.functions.addPoll("First Test.").buildTransaction(
    "gasPrice": w3.eth.gas_price,
    "chainId": chain_id,
    "from": my_address,
    "nonce": nonce + 1,
}  # this is creating a transaction

signed_store_txn = w3.eth.account.sign_transaction(
store_transaction, private_key=private_key
# we send the transaction
send_store_tx = w3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_store_txn.rawTransaction)
print("Contract Updated.")
# we wait for the transaction to finish
tx_receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(send_store_tx) 

1 Answer 1


You must first call the contract constructor and then the function you want to call. In your case it will be:

store_transaction = Voting_Contract.constructor().buildTransaction(
    "gasPrice": w3.eth.gas_price,
    "chainId": chain_id,
    "from": my_address,
    "nonce": nonce,

signed_store_txn = w3.eth.account.sign_transaction(
   store_transaction, private_key=private_key )

send_store_tx = w3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_store_txn.rawTransaction)`

(your function call)

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