I'm a front-end dev getting my feet wet in the crypto nft space.
I built a simple site for displaying all the NFTs in your wallet. Users can connect to the page using Rainbowkit (built on top of WAGMI, which also utilizes Ethers.js). Once connected, I can get the wallet address and fetch all the NFTs in it using the Alchemy NFT API.
Now all of that is done, I want to add a Transfer
button so that users can transfer/send the NFts they own to another address. What is the proper way of doing that?
Here's what I have learnt: Since NFTs are ERC-721 tokens, I can safely assume they will have the safeTransferFrom
function which can be called to send the NFT. Are all NFTs ERC-721 tokens? If yes do they all have safeTransferFrom
function baked in their contract? What if someone remove that function out of the contract when they created it?
I'm a bit lost with all these questions. A little guidance would be much appreciated. Thanks in advanced!