pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract TestcaseResetObject {

    MyObject ob;

    struct MyObject {
        mapping(uint8 => uint) map;

    event Output(uint number);

    function makeNew() {
        ob = MyObject();
        ob.map[0] += 1;

When I run makeNew repeatedly in browser-solidity, I'm expecting to get every time the event Output(1). Instead, I get Output(1), Output(2), Output(3), etc.

It seems when I create a new MyObject, the map isn't actually created again.

Another question relates that freshly initialized struct should have a "zero" value in all its members. This seems true for uint's etc. but since mapping seems to "remember" its old values this seems not to be the case.

Any ideas?

2 Answers 2


Agree with Guiseppe. The code isn't "initializing" new ob, just referencing existing.

Here's a way to have many mappings that don't collide like that. Possibly will give you some ideas.

pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract TestcaseResetObject {

    uint public objectCount;

    struct MyObjectStruct {
        mapping(uint => uint) map;

    MyObjectStruct[] myObjects;

    event LogOutput(uint number);

    function makeNewObject() public returns(uint count) {

        MyObjectStruct memory mo;
        objectCount = myObjects.push(mo);
        return objectCount;

    // object numbers start at 0 when objectCount is 1
    function incCounter(uint objectNumber, uint index) public returns(uint newValue) {
        myObjects[objectNumber].map[index] += 1;
        return myObjects[objectNumber].map[index];

Let's you "makeNewObject" to create new mappings, and "incCounter" to single out a specific mapping from the array, and a specific location inside the mapping to increment.

Hope it helps.

  • Modified the code just a little bit (formatting), hand-tested in remix so it works.
    – Juuso
    Commented Jan 17, 2018 at 9:11

Mapping is a really particular type and it's different from a simple array. From the official documentation:

Mappings can be seen as hashtables which are virtually initialized such that every possible key exists and is mapped to a value whose byte-representation is all zeros: a type’s default value. The similarity ends here, though: The key data is not actually stored in a mapping, only its keccak256 hash used to look up the value.

Because of this, mappings do not have a length or a concept of a key or value being “set”.

This means essentially that you don't really ever initialize a full mapping variable (in your case, using MyObject() you initialize the ob struct, not the map variable).

The second time you refer to map[0] it correctly points to the same position as before, and so you find the old value.

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