//SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.9; 
import "opezeppilines/openzeppelin-contracts-master/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

contract currency is ERC20 {
    constructor(string memory name,string memory symbol) ERC20(name,symbol)

my currency.sol

async function main()
    const {deployer} = await ethers.getSigners();
    const Token = await ethers.getContractFactory("currency");
    const token = await Token.deploy();

main().then(() => process.exit(0))
err => {console.error(err);

My deploy.js

PS E:\vs code files> npx hardhat run --network Goerli scripts/deploy.js
npm WARN config global `--global`, `--local` are deprecated. Use `--location=global` instead.
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Error: missing argument:  in Contract constructor (count=0, expectedCount=2, code=MISSING_ARGUMENT, version=contracts/5.6.2)
    at Logger.makeError (E:\vs code files\node_modules\@ethersproject\logger\src.ts\index.ts:261:28)
    at Logger.throwError (E:\vs code files\node_modules\@ethersproject\logger\src.ts\index.ts:273:20)
    at Logger.checkArgumentCount (E:\vs code files\node_modules\@ethersproject\logger\src.ts\index.ts:332:18)
    at ContractFactory.<anonymous> (E:\vs code files\node_modules\@ethersproject\contracts\src.ts\index.ts:1237:16)
    at step (E:\vs code files\node_modules\@ethersproject\contracts\lib\index.js:48:23)
    at Object.next (E:\vs code files\node_modules\@ethersproject\contracts\lib\index.js:29:53)
    at E:\vs code files\node_modules\@ethersproject\contracts\lib\index.js:23:71
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at __awaiter (E:\vs code files\node_modules\@ethersproject\contracts\lib\index.js:19:12)
    at ContractFactory.deploy (E:\vs code files\node_modules\@ethersproject\contracts\lib\index.js:1138:16) {
  reason: 'missing argument:  in Contract constructor',
  count: 0,
  expectedCount: 2


  • do i need to share my hardhat.config,js Commented Jul 19, 2022 at 6:13

2 Answers 2


Your constructor needs 2 values as input, which you didn't provide in your script. The name and the symbol. Change your code line to somthing like this:

const token = await Token.deploy("tokenName", "tokenSymbol");

There's also a typo in the first contract code you shared. You wrote opezeppilines, but it should be openzeppelin

Corrected here:

//SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.9; 
import "openzeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts-master/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

contract currency is ERC20 {
    constructor(string memory name,string memory symbol) ERC20(name,symbol)

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