I have a registerIntoQueue() function that fills up an array with objects. Each object represents a person waiting in a queue to be served. The order of service is (FIFO), first in, first out. Find below my solidity code to add a person into the queue:

pragma solidity ^0.8.2;

uint peoplelBeforeMe = 0;

struct Queue {
    address customerAddress;
    uint peoplelBeforeMe;
    uint256 arrivalTime;

Queue[] private serviceQueue;

function registerIntoQueue() public {
    serviceQueue.push ( Queue(msg.sender, peoplelBeforeMe, block.timestamp ) );

The code above, having registered three people, would generate the below array of objects:

[customerAddress:0x446..9702, peoplelBeforeMe:0, arrivalTime:1653884369]
[customerAddress:0x786..2009, peoplelBeforeMe:1, arrivalTime:1653884469]
[customerAddress:0x589..5454, peoplelBeforeMe:2, arrivalTime:1653884569]

Id like to bring your attention the value that the peoplelBeforeMe item in the object holds.

Following is the removeFromQueue() function. The person who joined the queue first (represented by index[0]) is always the one who gets served first and therefore gets removed from the serviceQueue array. In my code, this is represented by serviceQueue.pop[] as this removes the first item in the array, being in index[0].

Find below my removeFromQueue() code:

function removeFromQueue() public {

    for(uint i = 0; i < serviceQueue.length - 1; i++){
        let numberOfPeopleBeforeMe = serviceQueue[i].peoplelBeforeMe;
        serviceQueue[i].peoplelBeforeMe = numberOfPeopleBeforeMe - 1;
        serviceQueue[i] = serviceQueue[i + 1];  

The ideal outcome when removeFromQueue() is run would be:

[customerAddress:0x786..2009, peoplelBeforeMe:0, arrivalTime:1653884469]
[customerAddress:0x589..5454, peoplelBeforeMe:1, arrivalTime:1653884569]

Kindly note how the peoplelBeforeMe was updated

My code in Remix, compiles perfectly well, and I am able to deploy it to the Ganache as a provider. The issue is, when I run the Dapp in the UI/front end I get the following error message:

The error message I get

It took me a while to figure out that commenting out or removing the follwing code from the removeFromQueue() function, resolves the issue:

  let numberOfPeopleBeforeMe = serviceQueue[i].peoplelBeforeMe;
  serviceQueue[i].peoplelBeforeMe = numberOfPeopleBeforeMe - 1;

making it:

 function removeFromQueue() public {

    for(uint i = 0; i < serviceQueue.length - 1; i++){
        serviceQueue[i] = serviceQueue[i + 1];  

The code above erronously yeilds:

[customerAddress:0x786..2009, peoplelBeforeMe:1, arrivalTime:1653884469]
[customerAddress:0x589..5454, peoplelBeforeMe:2, arrivalTime:1653884569]

...because the peoplelBeforeMe doesn't reflect the number of people before each person in the queue.

How do I correctly update the peoplelBeforeMe item without it causing any issues and with minimum gasfees?

  • pop() remove and returns the last element of the array - docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/… Commented May 30, 2022 at 8:51
  • 1
    Forgot to add: what you're trying to implement can be seen as a linked list - what is more important in your use case, the absolute value of peopleBeforeMe (I'd make it a function then, instead of updating the whole dataset) or the order of elements (then peopleBeforeMe could be replace by 'customerAddressBeforeMe')? Commented May 30, 2022 at 8:58
  • @DrGorilla.eth thanks for the prompt response, any chance you can demonstrate in code?
    – SirBT
    Commented May 30, 2022 at 12:37


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