I am reviewing a piece of code intended for the creation of an oracle and I get the following error: "Struct containing a (nested) mapping cannot be constructed"

I know it is related to the new compiler versions and I have been following some of the threads of people with similar problems in their codes but I have not just found the solution.

I hope you can help me. I leave the code snippet below.

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Oracle {
    Request[] requests; 
    uint currentId = 0; 
    uint minQuorum = 2; 
    uint totalOracleCount = 3; 

    struct Request{
        uint id;                            
        string urlToQuery;                  
        string attributeToFetch;            
        string agreedValue;                 
        mapping(uint => string) answers;    
        mapping(address => uint) quorum;    

    function createRequest (
        string memory _urlToQuery,
        string memory _attributeToFetch
        uint length = requests.push(Request(currentId, _urlToQuery, _attributeToFetch, ""));  **// The error is here**
        Request storage r = requests[length-1];

2 Answers 2


To solve your problem, you can use push() method for create a storage slot into your struct array about new Request struct instance to insert and then you can fill it with the input values that passed into createRequest() method. I adjusted your smart code in this way:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Oracle {
    Request[] requests; 
    uint currentId = 0; 
    uint minQuorum = 2; 
    uint totalOracleCount = 3; 

    struct Request{
        uint id;                            
        string urlToQuery;                  
        string attributeToFetch;            
        string agreedValue;                 
        mapping(uint => string) answers;    
        mapping(address => uint) quorum;    

    function createRequest (
        string memory _urlToQuery,
        string memory _attributeToFetch,
        uint _idQuestion,
        address _addressQuorum
        Request storage r = requests.push();
        r.id = currentId;
        r.urlToQuery = _urlToQuery;
        r.attributeToFetch = _attributeToFetch; 
        r.agreedValue = "";
        r.answers[_idQuestion] = "test";
        r.quorum[_addressQuorum] = 0;
  • Hey! thanks for your reply, I just modified it as you indicated and it seems to be working perfectly. Have a nice week :)
    – Alex
    Commented May 24, 2022 at 16:46
  • Accept the answer if its correct :)
    – Bruce
    Commented May 24, 2022 at 19:30

I have faced same problem and i have fixed it like that:

Solidity version i used 0.8.7;

function createRequest(string memory _description, uint256 _value, address _recipient) public  restricted{
        Request storage newRequest = requests.push();
        newRequest.description = _description;
        newRequest.value = _value;
        newRequest.recipient = _recipient;
        newRequest.complete = false;
        newRequest.approvalCount = 0;

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