What I have
1. I am able to create new account with personal.newAccount() method of web3 api.
2. I am working on my private blockchain.
3. geth node start with following command:-
geth --datadir ~/privateBlockChain1 --networkid 1300 --rpcport 8002 --port 30301 --rpcapi="db,eth,net,web3,personal,admin,txpool,debug" --rpc --maxpeers 0 --nodiscover --targetgaslimit 110000000000 --dev --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcaddr "" console
4. I am using web3 api and ethereumjs-wallet npm api.
5. Keystore file is successfully store in private blockchain directory.
What I want
1. I want to get private key of respective account.
2. actually, i want to get all data of keystore file of respective account from my nodejs side and will be able to save in my regular database.
Case 1:
1. when i create account with personal.newAccount() method with password, how to get private key, if i got private key, then i will be use that key to get all keystore data by following code:---
var Wallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet');
var Key=Buffer.from('account_privatekey','hex');
var wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey(Key);
var json=wallet.toV3String(user_define_password); // it will return keystore object data.
but i am unable to get actual private key from account address and password.
Case 2:
1. suppose i create private key by following code:-
var Wallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet');
var privateKey=Wallet.generate(password)._privKey;
var wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey(privateKey);
var json=wallet.toV3String(password); // it will get keystore data `
2. account creation on my private blockchain this way
` personal.importRawKey(key,password)
but error showing like , importRawKey not a function `
How to fix these