I am studying how the Ethereum 2.0 version works. I have read the official documentation and in particular this. According to the information I found here, the maximum number of validators allowed is MAX_VALIDATOR_COUNT 2 ** 19 (= 524,288) ~16.7M ETH (in the past the value was 2 ** 22).
I cannot determine what the actual number of network validators selected for block validation is. I have read that a committee has at least 128 validators and therefore a total of shards * validators=64 * 128=8192 randomly selected validators. The beacon chain is validated by at least 128 validators, can this value be considered as the actual number of validators in use for each slot?
The FFG consensus algorithm needs a supermajority of 2/3 to work. Is it possible to know the distribution of the 32 ETH coins needed for staking among the validators? That is, how many validators own 33%, 51% and 67% of the coins? I found some partial information on this website.
Thank you