Is there any easy way to parse transaction logs in order to get information about: who sent the token who received the token what token has been transferred what was the price for that
Yes. Use web3 getPastEvents filtering the Transfer event.
Dev Advocate at Chainstack.
You can use a simple script to fetch and decode logs using ethers.js.
Here is an example to fetch the Transfer
event from the BAYC
const ethers = require('ethers');
// Initialize connection to the node.
const nodeUrl = "CHAINSTACK_NODE_URL";
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(nodeUrl);
// Import and parse ABI for ERC-721 standard.
const abi = [
// Importing the 'Transfer' event part of the ABI for ERC-721.
"event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId)"
// Create contract instance using an ERC-721 contract address and ABI.
// Replace this address with your desired ERC-721 token contract address.
const address = '0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D';
const contract = new ethers.Contract(address, abi, provider)
async function getLogs() {
const range = 500; // Define the range of blocks you're interested in.
const latestBlock = await provider.getBlockNumber();
const from = latestBlock - range;
// queryFilter to get 'Transfer' event logs.
const transferEvents = await contract.queryFilter('Transfer', from, latestBlock);
return transferEvents;
async function main() {
const logs = await getLogs();
// Parse and log the details of each transfer.
for (let object of logs) {
console.log(`Transaction hash: ${object.transactionHash}`);
console.log(`From: ${object.args.from}`);
console.log(`To: ${}`);
console.log(`Token ID transferred: ${object.args.tokenId.toString()} \n`);
This will parse and decode the following fields:
And will give you a similar log:
Transaction hash: 0xdb662be3d9916db892036e37b5e02ed137261034e8db182271682ac1992c3220
From: 0x4Ec2F9588B7BD0f4976651d2B6c7315d6B866f15
To: 0xde02FFFb824720E25674a604BaF2277f21c66a0F
Token ID transferred: 4500
To fetch the price is a bit more complex. You could use the debug_traceTransaction method on the transaction hash to see all the internal steps and find out how much ETH was exchanged for the NFT.