I'm trying to write some Javascript code to query Fantom DEXes to find out the price wFTM in various wFTM / USDC
liquidity pools and I'm a bit lost as to what contract method to call.
I'm starting with Spookyswap and I'm thinking what I need to do is first get a reference to the Factory Contract, and then call getPair()
on it with the contract addresses for wFTM (0x21be370D5312f44cB42ce377BC9b8a0cEF1A4C83
) and USDC (0x04068DA6C83AFCFA0e13ba15A6696662335D5B75
When I call that method, I get a reference to this contract
which has two variables
which logically seem like the variables I want, but I'm not really sure that's correct and I have no idea how to translate them into USDC.
There's probably something very obvious I'm not grokking, so any help will be much appreciated. This is my first attempt to learn web3 by creating something on my own.