i'm trying to call a function from contract that i deployed to kovan network, then when i used the truffle console --network kovan and tried to deploy my contract, it says that this contract has not been deployed to detected network but it's already deployed and even use it in my web3 app.
truffle(kovan)> const daiToken = await DaiToken.deployed()
Error: DaiToken has not been deployed to detected network (network/artifact mismatch)
My contract on etherscan kovan: https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0x478A24D4CcbFedE653D6aeE3DC202663e4ba2Be0
netowrk configuration at truffle-config.js:
kovan: {
provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(MNEMONIC, endpointUrl),
network_id: 42,
gas: 5500000,
confirmations: 2,
timeoutBlocks: 200,
networkCheckTimeoutnetworkCheckTimeout: 10000,
skipDryRun: true