I'm trying to encode a function call on a ERC721 smart contract.

I'm using web3-python package to use some utils.

Here is my code:

from web3 import Web3

r = Web3.soliditySha3(['bytes32'], [b'tokenURI(uint256)'])


This code works partially: I get the signature of the function (0xc87b56dd). However, I want to pass an argument and encode it with the function name together.

So if I want to pass 275 as a parameter, I should get this result instead (at the end of the hash, 113 is 275 hex value):


I don't know how to achieve that. I read a lot of forums but can't find the right way to do it.

Basically I want to achieve what this website is doing.


1 Answer 1


In solidity, I have the following :

contract TestContract {
    uint256 public i;
    function callMe(uint256 j, uint256 a) public payable {
        console.log("TestContract.callMe(%d,%d) called", j, a);
        i += j;
    function getData(uint256 j, uint256 a) public view returns (bytes memory) {
        console.log("call signature encoded:");
            abi.encodeWithSignature("callMe(uint256,uint256)", j, a)
        return abi.encodeWithSignature("callMe(uint256,uint256)", j, a);

In Python (brownie), I will call the function as following:

    v = 123
    a = 10000
    encoded_signature = t.getData(v, a)
    sig = Web3.keccak(text="callMe(uint256,uint256)")[:4].hex()
    v_hex = convert.to_bytes(v).hex()
    a_hex = convert.to_bytes(a).hex()
    data = sig+v_hex+a_hex
    assert encoded_signature == data

Well, the idea is to obtain the function signature and to concatenate with parameter values converted to bytes.

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