I'm getting into a bit of web3 dev, and I'm having trouble getting a handle on how contracts can be interchangeable between networks.
Some tokens create a 'wrapped' version, that is tethered in price to the original, in order to operate on bep20. This makes sense to me.
However, you have other tokens that exist on erc20 and bsc. I'm guessing they are using some type of bridging mechanism in the contract.
As an example, take UNO RE (0x474021845c4643113458ea4414bdb7fb74a01a77).
You can look this address up on etherscan or bscscan and see the contract. However, on bscscan it looks slightly different... Like a typical wallet address or something.
Apparently, one could move a coin like uno freely between networks. I thought this would require some type of bridge or wrapped version?
An explanation of this duel existence would be greatly appreciated.