When Using Pancake Swap SDK

The Following Function

  const exactOut = new Trade.bestTradeExactOut(
          new TokenAmount(token1, parseFloat(amountOut.toString(), 18)),
          { maxNumResults: 3, maxHops: 1 }

we receive the following response

 outputAmount: TokenAmount {
    numerator: JSBI(1) [ 100, sign: false ],
    denominator: JSBI(2) [ 660865024, 931322574, sign: false ],
    currency: Token {
      decimals: 18,
      symbol: 't1',
      name: xxx,
      chainId: 56,
      address: 'xxx'
    token: Token {
      decimals: 18,
      symbol: 't1',
      name: xxx,
      chainId: 56,
      address: 'xxx'

based on the above response how does one calculate the exact amounts of tokens one would receive out based on returning result from SDK call do we perform a calculation on?

denominator: JSBI(2) [ 660865024, 931322574, sign: false ]

1 Answer 1


One Needs To Use The Following Function


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