I am creating a frontend similar to Safe UI using which users can create new multi-sig wallets for themselves. I am using Safe Core SDK on my front end (Next.js). Now when I deploy the new safe I face the following issue. Now I am wondering what different Safe UI do to create the new safe for the users. So after spending some time with their front end repo it seems to me that their code does not directly call the deploySafe function and do many things in order. Although I am not able to get it properly what the code is actually doing.

Can someone guide me on how to create a front end app similar to Safe UI and have a smooth safe creation flow?

  • 2
    We created the Safe UI way before safe-core-sdk was a thing. Now the recommended way to create a safe is the core-sdk package. We will investigate the issue after the team is back from the holidays.
    – mikheevm
    Commented Dec 30, 2021 at 9:27
  • Thank you for the clarification. Commented Jan 5, 2022 at 17:34
  • Hey @mikheevm, may I know when will this issue of deploying safe get resolved as it is a blocker in our product development for the past 2 weeks? Commented Jan 6, 2022 at 9:12


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