I'm used to Java mocks, where I could access and modify private values. As we are on our local machine and own ethereum node, we may do the same.

My problem is I want to modify a required address. Only my Oracle is authorized to call a function, and I would like my test to do it so.

contract CodeFanSites {
    address  private constant _Oracle = 0xf17f52151EbEF6C7334FAD080c5704D77216b732;

    function addSite(address payable user, string memory domain) external {
        require(msg.sender == _Oracle);
         // ....

And my tests, using truffle :

contract("CodeFanSites", (accounts) => {
  let [nik, oracle] = accounts;

  it("should be able to add a new domain site", async () => {
    const contract = await CodeFanSites.new();
    console.log({balance: sites, accounts, nik});

    // I need before here to modify the _Oracle private address in the contract
    const result = await contract.addSite(oracle,  "site.com");
    // ....

How can I change the _Oracle private address in the contract before calling the addSite() function in the test ?

Note that _Oracle don't have to be constant, it may just be private. I don't want anybody to be able to change this value, except while testing.

  • you cannot. it is a constant. why you don't give the address as a parameter when you deploy the CodeFanSites Contract? then it will be more flexible
    – Majd TL
    Commented Dec 7, 2021 at 15:28
  • Because I don't want anybody to be able to change my Oracle adress. It would break my system Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 8:14
  • It don't have to be constant though. Private is enough. Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 14:55
  • You may want to try something like Smock github.com/defi-wonderland/smock.
    – Ismael
    Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 20:02
  • Perfect, thank you. I think I will stay with truffle for a while, but I will surely move quickly to HardHat with such features. Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 21:11

4 Answers 4


The short answer is you can't so have to design contracts with a testing plan in mind.

In my opinion, the root of the problem is the hard-coded oracle address. This could be abstract, allowing oracle mocks during testing. Consider:

contract CodeFanSites {

  address public immutable _oracle;

  constructor(address oracle) {
    _oracle = oracle;

  function addSite(address payable user, string memory domain) external {
    require(msg.sender == _oracle);
    // ....

Summary of changes.

  1. _oracle - style
  2. public - discoverable state
  3. immutable - same effect as constant but more flexible at deployment time
  4. constructor() - set the value

You can run tests on local chains or forks of networks, create many accounts and even work with free money and mocks but you cannot force a contract to do something it wasn't coded to do. There is no way to override that hard-coded address or change the logic in the function temporarily.

The proposed method gives the same efficiency as a constant and the same immutability as well as a way to confirm correct deployment using the address that it must be on the mainnet. You could even consider embedding comments to document your intent - "correct" oracle addresses on different testnets and mainnet.

Hope it helps.

  • 2
    Using "immutable" makes the contract more robust against unintentionally overriding the _oracle address.
    – Ismael
    Commented Jan 13, 2022 at 3:58

You need some functions and keep the owner (contract creator) in private variable. _owner should be set in constructor and a modifier will check setOracle function to be called only by the owner.

contract CodeFanSites {
    address private _owner;
    address private _Oracle = 0xf17f52151EbEF6C7334FAD080c5704D77216b732;

    modifier onlyOwner() {
        require(msg.sender == _owner, "not authorized");

    constructor () {
        _owner = msg.sender;

    function setOracle(address oracle) public onlyOwner returns (bool)            
        _Oracle = oracle;
        return true;

    function addSite(address payable user, string memory domain) external {
        require(msg.sender == _Oracle);
         // ....

then you can set oracle before addSite function

const result = await contract.setOracle(oracle);

In my opinion, the best approach to test the exact same smart contract that will be deployed in production is to use a derivate smart contract for testing and use the internal modifier instead of the private one.

contract CodeFanSites {
    address internal _Oracle = 0xf17f52151EbEF6C7334FAD080c5704D77216b732;

contract CodeFanSitesTest is CodeFanSites {

    function init(address _testOracle) public {
        _Oracle = _testOracle;

    function getInternalOracleAddress() public view returns (address) {
        return _Oracle;


This way, you can test CodeFanSitesTest as it is CodeFanSites, without worrying to modify CodeFanSites before deploying in production: indeed, private and internal modifiers work exactly the same if there's no derivate contract.

Fewer modifications before deployment mean fewer risks in general.


Note : The option from Rob at constructor time is also very good, probably safer (https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/a/118397/87100)

Finally I did something that PancakeBunny and probably others are doing :

function addVault(address vault, address token, uint allocPoint) public onlyOwner {
        require(vaults[vault].token == address(0), "BunnyChef: vault is already set");

So I don't need anymore mocks for this case, but I keep an eye on Smock lib

On my code, I added a setter for the owner and Oracle:

contract CodeFanSites {
   // Initialized to 0
    address OWNER;
    address ORACLE;

     * Can set owner only once, at deployment
    function setOwner(address owner) public {
        require(OWNER == address(0), "Owner already set");
        OWNER = owner;

    function setOracle(address oracle) public {
        require(msg.sender == OWNER);
        ORACLE = oracle;

Then I added the values at deploy time, here using hardhat rather than truffle

async function main() {
  const CodeFanDomains = await ethers.getContractFactory('CodeFanDomains');
  const codeFan = await CodeFanDomains.deploy();
  console.log('codeFan deployed to:', codeFan.address);
  const [owner, oracle, johnDoe] = (await ethers.getSigners()).map(u=>u.address)

  const instance = await CodeFanDomains.attach(codeFan.address);
  await instance.setOwner(owner);
  await instance.setOracle(oracle);
  console.log("Deployed ok")

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