This is the issue: ParserError: Source "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol" not found: File import callback not supported. Showing a picture below. It's on bscscan between to verify. The error says it is trying to open a file with "@openzeppelin/contracts/..." and it can't find it. The thing is, how do I make it so it can find it? If that would be the case.
This is my contract (changed the token name for security reasons):
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "";
contract secret is ERC20 { constructor(uint256 initialsupply) public ERC20 ("secret", "secret") { _mint(msg.sender, initialsupply); } }
And when i verify it on bscscan i keep getting this. I have actually not much idea what to do now to fix this issue, would be really great if someone could give me an advice to solve this issue.