I want to encode a call for mint() payable with a msg.value of 8 ETH.

My code:

    type: 'function',
    name: 'mint',
    payable: true,
    value: web3.utils.toWei("8", "ether")
}, [])

I get TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined


1 Answer 1


You are missing the inputs field as per the documentation.

So, assuming no parameters :

    type: 'function',
    name: 'mint',
    payable: true,
    inputs: [],
    value: web3.utils.toWei("8", "ether")
}, [])
// returns: 0x1249c58b

You can omit the fields : payable and value they are irrelevant to generate the abi encoded function call. So :

    type: 'function',
    name: 'mint',
    inputs: [],
}, [])
// returns: 0x1249c58b

Without parameters, this is exactly the same as:

// returns: 0x1249c58b
  • But if I omit the value field, how do I set the msg.value?
    – antoniopgs
    Commented Dec 3, 2021 at 8:42
  • The result of encodeFunctionCall is basically what you will use to set the field data of your tx. It seems like you beleive that encodeFunctionCall is used to actually send a valid tx, is that so ?
    – hroussille
    Commented Dec 3, 2021 at 8:45

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