So far I developed smart contracts in Solidity using Ganache. I didn't have to use Uniswap in any way.
Now I'd like to use Uniswap to put some of my ERC-20 token as liquidity. I started reading the Uniswap docs, but things are a bit unclear to me. Below are my sub-questions related to locally testing Uniswap:
- How do I locally set up a test environment for Uniswap? So far I was using Ganache, but from what I read here hardhat would be preferred. Can anyone quickly explain what do I have to do to set it up locally (with or without Ganache)?
- Under the title Importing Ethers and the V3 SDK in this tutorial, where do I put the code? In what file does the code go? I'm a bit confused there.
Thank you in advance!