So I have a contract called Person
. Say each contract serves as an identity document for a person. A blockchain is deployed using this smart contract for an organization A.
Now organization B also has its own blockchain deployed and has this Person
smart contract executed 1000s of times.
Now A and B decide to form a consortia and want to share these instances of Person
contract data. They already have their own private block chain deployed but now want to be on a same blockchain so these smart contracts and identities can be shared.
How would I go about this? The smart contracts and blocks are immutable so not sure how data migration will happen. All three chains (two old and the new one for the consortia) will have the same genesis block.
entities fromA
, and use this as future reference and the old contracts to prove the origin of the entries.heavy permissioning
I am afraid, its against the design rationale of Smart Contract. Technically nothing blocks you from doing so either. but see thismodifiers
that were made for the intention of permissioning and checking pre-conditions.