// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

contract enumTesting{
    enum frenchFriesSize {large, medium, small}
    frenchFriesSize choice;
    frenchFriesSize constant defaultChoice = frenchFriesSize.medium;
    function setSmall() public {
        choice = frenchFriesSize.small;
    function getChoice() public view returns(frenchFriesSize){
        return choice;
    function getDefault() public view returns(uint){
        return uint(defaultChoice);

Remix is sugesting me to change the getDefault function to "pure", but isn't reading the variable "defaultChoice" from outside of the function?

1 Answer 1


Remix recommends to declare the function as pure because defaultChoice isn't a variable. The compiler does inline constant in the code so they don't use space in storage.

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