This is an escrow smart contract deployed on testnet Ropsten:
When calling function start(address seller, address thirdParty) from geth node like this:
sc.start.sendTransaction("0x90e8682b63d7922a3e942d4bbd4c88095634a17b", "0xf28dafbfeb41bf32869c9d498da0d651d0206ed4", {from:"0x3b877e80b5c0b29d88f3768ed4292b35fdd93a9d", value:"0x3b9aca00", gas:1000000});
It creates a new transaction throwing the following error:
Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Bad jump destination]
The code of start() function:
function start(address seller, address thirdParty) returns (uint) {
uint escrowId = numEscrows;
escrow memory e;
e.thirdParty = thirdParty;
e.seller = seller;
e.buyer = msg.sender;
e.amount = msg.value;
e.recipient = seller;
e.status = 1; // started
escrows[escrowId] = e;
escrowStart(e.buyer, e.seller, e.thirdParty); // Log
return escrowId;
The event called is:
event escrowStart(address buyer, address seller, address thirdParty);
Strange thing is that the same code works well on Solidity Browser ( ) but not on testnet.
Any help/ideas? Thx!