I am forking uniswap and deploying it on Rinkbey TestNet.

I have successfully deployed factory, router, weth contracts. I have replaced the respective addresses in the uniswap interface code.

I created few new tokens for testing these: Token1 : KO1

Coming to interface (locally hosted), I am able to add liquidity and the interface is interracting with the deployed contracts.

I added liquidity as 5 ETH per 1 KO1.

But when I come to swap, and try to swap, it shows 'Insuffienct liquidity'.

What to do? What I am missing ??

Contracts deployed from address : 0x23c1f1d5cd74331d17d3952ec81edc6f331f942e

  • Have you found a solution?
    – Eusthace
    Commented Sep 11, 2021 at 19:47

1 Answer 1


These amount*Minparameters should typically be set to percentages of the calculated desired price. So, at a 1% tolerance level, if our user sends a transaction with 1 ETH and 200 DAI, amountETHMin should be set to e.g. .99 ETH, and amountTokenMin should be set to 198 DAI. This means that, at worst, liquidity will be added at a rate between 198 DAI/1 ETH and 202.02 DAI/1 ETH (200 DAI/.99 ETH).

Once the price calculations have been made, it's important to ensure that your contract a) controls at least as many tokens/ETH as were passed as amount*Desired parameters, and b) has granted approval to the router to withdraw this many tokens.

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