The smart contract I want to unit test instantiates IUniswapV2Router02(0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D)
. Obviously this contract does not exist on the local chain that is spawned by truffle test
The solution seems to be to test on a local chain that is a fork of the main/rinkeby chain? How does one configure truffle test
to run as such?
Thanks :D
Edit 1
I have tried the following configuration, however it doesn't work yet:
module.exports = {
networks: {
development: {
fork: "{myKey}",
network_id: 4
It returns the following error:
$ npx truffle test
> Something went wrong while attempting to connect to the network. Check your network configuration.
Could not connect to your Ethereum client.
Please check that your Ethereum client:
- is running
- is accepting RPC connections (i.e., "--rpc" option is used in geth)
- is accessible over the network
- is properly configured in your Truffle configuration file (truffle-config.js)
Truffle v5.3.6 (core: 5.3.6)
Node v14.16.0
Edit 2
Filed in a Github issue on the trufflesuite/truffle repo in the meantime.